Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Writing 3 Task

My Saddest and Happy Moments

Experience is a knowledge or skill that comes from doing, seeing or feeling things. There are many kinds of experience and they become different moments in our life. We keep some of the moments in our mind while some others are not. Some of them that we keep well in our mind are happy moment, frightened moment and even sad moment although we want and try so hard to forget it sometimes but we are not able to do that. I will tell about saddest moment and happy moments of my life.
The saddest moment of my life happened on Thursday, January 1st 2009. That is the day when my father passed away. On Wednesday night, December 31st 2008, I and my family made a little party for new year celebration but my father cannot join us because of his illness. He had been suffering complication disease for a year and it was getting worse so all he can do is lying on the bed. At that night, my mother asked me to snug up my father’s bed and pillow him. Then I went to his bedroom and did those orders. I remember his sleep position at that night even until today. On the next day, I woke up at 07.30 a.m. and I did not know why my feeling was not good at that morning. I went to my father’s bedroom to check his condition as usual and found he is still in the same position as well as last night. I tried to call his name to wake him up but there was no answer. I thought he was sleeping tight so he cannot hear my call but I doubt about it. Then I went to my mother and told her about it. She was surprised and immediately went to the bedroom. She tried to wake him as I did, but there was still no response. Then she held his hand to check his artery while I laid down his head on my thigh. My mother cried because she cannot feel any beat from his artery. At that moment, we knew that he already passed away. We got nothing to say, we just cried eyes out. I cannot believe that we celebrate the New Year in a grief but the fact is that really happened. That day is a hard day for my family. Our paterfamilias leaves us but life must go on. We try hardly to accept the fact. One thing that I will never forget is he asked me to look after my mother as best as I could before he died and I will not disappoint him.
Where there are sad moments there are a happy moments. The happy moments of my life are the days when I was in senior high school. It was two years ago and I was in third grade. That was very joyful and unforgettable. I spent my adolescence with a lot of fun with my friend, made our own stories and they become a great memory of our life that we miss the most now. We spent our days by sharing almost everything. I still remember all of delinquencies that we made at that time like went out of class while the teacher was teaching and went to the canteen, cheating in the examination and made a hullabaloo in the class. One thing that I love from my friends is they still care about their study although they are naughty. There are so many of them give amazing achievements for our school including me. Those make our teachers like us. Actually, there are not only stories about our delinquencies and togetherness but also story about love and I really love this one. I found my first girlfriend in senior high school. She is pretty and kind so that is why I am very proud of being his boyfriend. There is so many questions arose from my friends about our relationship. The one that very annoying is “why does she want to be with errie?” I know they were joking but it really annoy me sometimes. In short, our relationship was ended by her two weeks after our graduation but I will not tell why because it is private. There are still many stories about my senior high school that I do not tell about. Whatever they are, I will always keep them in my mind as a part of me because they only happened once in my life.

The Frightened Moment of My Life

One of frightened moments of my life is the day when a group of thief surrounded my house and I was in fifth grade at that time. It was about 02.00 a.m. in the morning when my father wake us up with a crowbar in his hand. Then my mother asked him why and he said that there are five men in our yard. He asked us to calm down and keep quiet while he checked the windows and doors to make sure that they are already locked. He peeked from a window to see what were the thief doing in the outside. My mother and I just can watch him from the bedroom. We are so afraid and subconsciously my leg was shaken. We cannot make a call to the police station because we did not have handphone and even a telephone at that time. So we just waited until the thieves leave, prepared our self for the worst and pray. Fortunately, our neighbor was still awake at that night and the distance between our houses is near. My father called him loudly and he answered. Then we told him what was happening in a loud voice. He understood and immediately made a call to the police station. The thieves hear the conversation between my father and our neighbor and they were too afraid then they decide to leave. Thank to Allah and our neighbor, we were saved.

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